Title CTD cast measurements from Kongsfjorden, Svalbard 2016-08 (SIOS Core Data)
Domain: Natural sciences, Field: Earth science, Subfield: Oceanography
Published 2022-11-16
Tomasz Piotr Kopec
Rahman Mankettikkara
Emily Joanne Venables
John-Terje Eilertsen
Jørgen Berge
Dataset (2.56 MB)
The data are composed of processed CTD casts that were taken during cruise in 2016 for deploying Kongsfjorden mooring (as a part of KROP - Kongsfjorden Rijpfjorden Observatory Programme) and also belong to the Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS) Core Data. The mooring data has been already published in the NIRD Data Archive, this dataset supplements the mooring data and is intended to serve as a reference point for the data collected by the moorings. The data are published as a result of the SIOS Core Data Curation Call, Project No: 2022_SCD_02. The data consists of the following SIOS Core Data (SCD) variables: 4.5. Salinity, SCD 4.8. Water temperature and SCD 4.9. Chlorophyll concentrations.
Science publication
No publication: Motivation: The data are composed of processed CTD casts that were taken during cruises for deploying Kongsfjorden mooring (as a part of KROP - Kongsfjorden Rijpfjorden Observatory Programme) and also belong to the Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS) Core Data. The mooring data has been already published in the NIRD Data Archive, this dataset supplements the mooring data and is intended to serve as a reference point for the data collected by the moorings. The data are published as a result of the SIOS Core Data Curation Call, Project No: 2022_SCD_02. The data consists of the following SIOS Core Data (SCD) variables: 4.5. Salinity, SCD 4.8. Water temperature and SCD 4.9. Chlorophyll concentrations. (primary)
Rights Holder
UiT The Arctic University of Norway (UiT)
Data Manager
Tomasz Piotr Kopec
Tomasz Piotr Kopec
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